Luke 14
Information does not necessarily make a difference in the life of a man but the application of that information.
The accumulation of knowledge does not change or have effect on a man but application.
If a minister with a ministry does not have a strict financial principle, both his finance and that of his ministry will roll into jeopardy.
Even with God, documentation and accountability is very important. Its not coincidence that a whole book in the bible was dedicated to Numbers.
- Provision follows every vision- Ex 36:6-7,1. God will not sponsor what he has not commanded. Every vision that will not need God is not needed in the church; such vision is known as ambition.
- You plant vision, but you pray provision. Mark 8:1-8. While God plants the vision, it is the responsibility of man to pray out instruction to the provision. Between vision and provision, is divine instruction(s).
While there will not always be available resources ready made, believers should be rest assured that God will always provide for His vision.
In accessing instruction, Your faith and your ability to hear God is paramount. Heb 11:6
You need Faith to live, and Holiness to see God. If you ignore Faith, the turmoils of life will be your Fate. (See Lazarus).
- Your Faith must grow for your Finances to grow. The amount available for a work is directly proportional to the amount of Faith the Visioner has. Your faith must grow personally for the finances of your ministry to also grow. (See Gideon and his army).
No needy man is capable to meet needs. It is the man that would not stoop to his needs that will be used greatly by God.
As a minister, you should know the spiritual faith names of issues. Where Peter and the rest of the community called a lake, having limitation, Jesus called a deep in which there was no prediction of what to expect.
- God trust men with vision but tries men with provision. Your intimacy with God has a lot to do with the degree of provision He releases to you. Matt 4:3.
Resources in God’s kingdom are not multiplied by the mere wisdom of men. It is frustration for men to want to brainstorm/ use human intelligence to generate resources for God’s vision.
According to spiritual principle as revealed by Christ, we do not turn stones to bread but we look up to the father for our daily bread.
- Build people first and people will supply provision. It is the quality of people we as ministers are able to build that will generate the same quality of resources needed to do God’s work. Luke 8:1-4. Invest in people. Making people your sole source of income is like investing all at brook Cherith, it will dry up.
- The Supplies of God is in dimensions and it anchors on the intergrity of the minister. Luke 16. God is going to groom his church. 1Kings 17.
If you are not faithful in financial Matters, you are eating your future.
- Serve God and you will deserve money. Prove 8:21. Deut 28:1-14
-The supply of the Spirit of God. Your intimacy with God.
-The supply of service. Phil 2:30. God doesn’t give money, he gives value that will attract money. Value grant assets and this in turn gives access.
-The supply of needs. Phil 4:19. God supplies needs and not wants. When God becomes personalized, resources will be creepy released.
- Labor in the ministry and resources will be made available. Put in the work.
John 2:5.